WOODLAND SWEDEN IN TOKYO」is held from Tue, Apr 25 to Sun, May 7

Date: Tue, Apr 25, 2017 – Sun, May 7, 2017
■Date: Tuesday April 25th, 18:00 – 20:30
■Ticket price: no charge
■To buy tickets: Please purchase tickets through Peatix.
18:00 Opening and Inauguration of the exhibition
19:00 – 20:30 Opening Lectures and talks on the theme of wood as a building material
Followed by project presentations by the architects
Gustav Appell , Anna Graaf, Therese Kreisel, Astrid Klein, Manuel Tardits, Katsuya Fukushima, Aya Utsumi, Toshihiko Suzuki
Woodland Sweden has benn produced by Architects Sweden for the Swedish Institute.
The exhibition and event in Tokyo are made possible through the kind support and co-funding from ARCHI-DEPOT Corporation and ARCHI-DEPOT Museum.
Contact Us: Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo
Mr.Takuya Nakagawa takuya.